RADIO SCHEDULE HAS CHANGED by shotoku - 12/17/24 @ 07:43 PM CST
radioAWESOME will now only run on Tuesdays. I missed the last 2 Saturday shows due to prior commitments, and twice per week is a bit too much for finding setlists that have actual variation. Every Tuesday @ 6pm CST from now on.
NO RADIO TONIGHT by shotoku - 12/07/24 @ 09:05 PM CST
Preoccupied with other reservations tonight, so no radio. There will probably be a makeup show Sunday night, or simply an extra-length broadcast on Tuesday. A guest DJ would be interesting, I think.
BLOG + NEW HOST AND FUTURE by shotoku - 12/04/24 @ 11:59 PM CST
...And there we have it. A god damn motherfucking badass blog system. Now I can spout my hate all over the internet in real time. We also switched hosts off of neocities for the first time since 2016 (took me a while, I know). I got real sick of just static HTML and CSS, and will now be putting things that are actually interesting on here using the arcane powers of PHP and Perl (maybe). Expect a chatroom in the future, and not that shitty Chatango one over on the radio page... Alas, Rome wasn't built in a day. I also thought about writing a bulletin board, but that would contradict the existence of a chatroom. Guess they can't all be zingers. Oh, I'll also probably be moving my music catalogue onto here as well, with ratings and all. Maybe. Probably not.